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T A L E S  F R O M  T H E  P A L A C E  T H E A T R E

Following the closure of the Palace Theatre Westcliff in 2005, former associate director and Palace Theatre Trust board member, Charles Sharman-Cox was appointed Chairman of the Palace Theatre Guild, an organisation he helped set up to fight the town council's decision. After a successful campaign, thankfully the theatre did re-open and in 2012, to celebrate its centenary, Charles co-wrote and edited 'Tales From the Palace Theatre, 1912 - 2012.

Palace Theatre Book.png

By Charles Sharman-Cox, Stewart Trotter & Rachel Lichtenstein

Additional Research by Janet Wallis and David Simpson

Additional Photography by Ronnie Temple

Designed by Ciaran O’Shea

Published October 2012 by ‘Guild Publishing’

ISBN 978-0-9574075-0-3

“It is a delight to help celebrate the Centenary of the beautiful Palace Theatre, Westcliff - the town of which I have my first memories as a child. I became Patron of The Palace Theatre Guild in 2006 when the future for The Theatre looked grim. It had been closed, with no intention of its ever opening again. But the Theatre People and Townspeople of the area thought otherwise. They love their grand ‘Old Lady’ and, through their efforts, determination and sheer bloody-mindedness, brought her back to life. She seems in safe hands now - and though she has closed many times - let us ensure she never, ever closes again. I wish her a ‘Happy Birthday’ with all my heart.”

Dame Helen Mirren sig - Tales From the P

© Charles Sharman-Cox  2023

Tel: +44 (0)7767 611432

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